Echo Lake ParkSpringfield AveMountainside NJ 07092
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Notes regarding time
Advanced ticket sales begin October 2. (Online & In-person) ; Rain date- Saturday, November 2Description
Bring your carved jack-o-lantern to Echo Lake Park the day after Halloween and join others for Great Pumpkin Sail. Watch as your pumpkin is put on a float on the lake, sing songs around the campfire and enjoy hot chocolate and marshmallows.
In-County: $12.00 per family of six (6) ... Out-of-County: $16.00 per family of six (6)How
Purchase tickets online or at the following locations: Trailside Nature & Science Center (Mountainside), Park Reservation Desk at Union County Admin Building (Elizabeth), Park Reservation Desk at 300 North Ave East (Westfield)
Advanced ticket sales begin October 2. (Online & In-person)
Please contact the Parks & Recreation Reservation Desk for more information 908-527-4900 (Elizabeth) or 908-654-9805 (Westfield)