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Summer Classes!

By Elizabeth Moglia Jackson June 10, 2016

Pictured in the photo (l-r): Rob Jackson, Jared Hines, Katlyn Lucio with Debbie Martin, franchise owner (in the middle).
This is a sponsored article, but as usual all opinions are my own.

I recently had the privilege of attending the inaugural class of songs for seeds Summit.  The extremely popular and well-reviewed New York City based music program for pre-school children (and their parents) arrived in Summit last month.  songs for seeds uses a live and crazily energetic band to engage children and their parents in their delightful classes.  Kids learn about different music styles, instruments, dancing and live performance through 45 minutes of what is basically a music party. The kids don’t realize they took a “class” because they were just playing and having FUN!

In songs for seeds classes the band members serve as the instructors with one musician taking the lead (in this case the percussionist, Jared Hines).  The music is used to create seamless transitions from topics such as colors, numbers and counting all while centering each weeks’ class around music and instruments of a particular culture.  In the class I participated in, everyone used their arms as wings to fly on an imaginary trip to Trinidad where we were introduced to the steel drum! 

songs for seeds was created by parents looking for quality live music programs for their kids, and so it’s truly a parent-to-parent endeavor and allows them all to bounce, sing and dance with their children.  The Franchise Owner of songs for seeds Summit, Debbie Martin, aptly describes the classes as “the best 45 minutes you’ll have with your kids all week.”  It did seem to me that at the beginning of the class parents as well as some kids were a bit pensive and shy, but within 10 minutes everyone was clapping and grooving (even the quietest child).  I know I certainly came out of the class feeling de-stressed and happy to have spent time with the awesome band and with the families at songs for seeds!

And now (just in time for the upcoming season!), songs for seeds is offering Summer Classes with some special rates: If you sign up with 4 or more friends each family receives a $35 dollar discount for one summer session.  There's also a 20% discount for siblings and a special 50% twins discount for twin b when twins are registered for the same class.  See more details at: https://songsforseeds.com/nj/summit, and please tell them that Macaroni Kid sent you!

Class Location:
425 Springfield Avenue
Summit, NJ 07901